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SPM English Speaking Test Part 3 – Crime

Why teenagers commit crime?

Now, I’d like you to talk about something together for about three minutes. The task will have two parts. In the first part, you will discuss something with each other for about two minutes. Then, in the second part, you will have another minute to make a decision together. All right? Let’s begin with the discussion task.

Why teenagers commit crime?

Here are some reasons why teenagers commit crimes and a question for you to discuss. First, you have some time to look at the task.

What can parents and communities do to help reduce crime among teenagers?

Teenagers engaging in criminal activities can be attributed to several factors that influence their choices and behaviors.

Peer pressure

I think that one of the main reason is peer pressure.

Teenagers are often significantly influenced by their peers, driven by the desire for acceptance and validation. If a teenager associates with a peer group that displays unhealthy habits, they are more likely to engage in criminal activities.

Lack of parental supervision

Another significant factor contributing to teenage crime is the lack of parental supervision. When parents are not actively involved in their children’s lives, teenager may lack of proper guidance and support, making them more susceptible to negative influences.

Besides that, parental neglect can lead their children to commit crimes in an attempt to gain attention from their parents.


Depression plays a crucial role in pushing teenagers toward criminal activities.

Some teenagers may turn to criminal activities as a way to cope with the overwhelming emotions associated with depression. Engaging in risky or rebellious behaviours may provide a temporary escape or distraction from their emotional pain.

Poverty (Poor)

Poverty might lead teenagers to commit crimes because they lack a proper income.

In situations where there is a lack of proper income, adolescents might resort to criminal activities such as stealing or robbery to afford the things they desire.

Lack of positive role models

Adolescents spend most of their time with people in school, and they are heavily influenced by the individuals around them. The absence of positive role models is a significant factor that may lead teenagers to commit crimes. When teenagers lack guidance from positive role models, they may struggle to identify the correct paths to follow or make informed decisions in their lives.

Physical abuse

Some teenagers might experience physical abuse such as bullying during their school years. Physical abuse not only causes damage to their bodies but also has a lasting impact on their mental well-being. This situation might lead teenagers to seek revenge against the bullies when they can no longer endure the harassment.

A comprehensive approach involving parents, teachers, and the community is crucial to creating a supportive environment that helps teenagers make positive choices and avoid the pitfalls of criminal behavior.

What can parents and communities do to help reduce crime among teenagers?

To help reduce crime among teenagers, parents should provide more companionship and love to prevent their children from feeling neglected. They should maintain open and honest communication with their children. It can building a trusting relationship and allows parents to understand their thoughts, concerns, and experiences.

Additionally, communities can organize activities such as sports activities, family days and community events to engage teenagers positively, offering alternatives to idle time that may lead to criminal behavior.

Both parents and communities should educate teenagers about the real-life consequences of engaging in criminal activities. Understanding the potential impact on their future can deter them from making poor choices.

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